∞ For a decade I have been producing sound, sound art and sound installations under the synonym ‘zitrone’
Sound Art and Design (excerpt)
Trunk Calls (2010 / LCC, London UK)
Guises of Listening (2010 / LCC, London UK)
The Silent Awkwardstra (2010 / LCC, London and Big Chill Festival UK)
Speculum Artium (2011 / Trbovlje SLO)
My Street Les Rencontres Internationales Paris Centre Pompidou FR, Berlin GER, Madrid ES
Taming the Tentacles with collective# (2012 / Guildford UK)
Live Sound Scape for Rilke’s Duino Elegies (2012 / ACF London and Royal Festival
Hall, London UK)
Soundtrack for Roger Hyam’s Grand Union (2013 / London Short Film Festival)
Sound Scape Dankness Spoken (2013 / Royal Festival Hall London and ACF)
Soundtrack for Emma Critchley’s In Our Blood (2015)
The world from where I am sitting - a static movement feature (2017 / Museum Am Bach, AUT)
The Carpet Brothers/Hongkong - Weather Report (2020 / Museum Am Bach, AUT)
As part of Condiment Junkie [experiential sound design, audio branding and interactive technologies Ltd.:
Creative Consulting, Project Development and technical consulting for companies including
Jaguar, The Admirable Crichton, Coca Cola, Bentley, Singleton and the Royal Festival Hall London.